Learn C & C++

Best C C++ Training Institute & Best C C++ Training Institute in Ghaziabad

AICT COMPUTER INSTITUTE Whenever a student is willing to learn any programming language, most people suggest he start with C and C++ so AICT COMPUTER INSTITUTE offers C&C++ training in Ghaziabad. The reason behind is that C and C++ are the bases for any programming language. Structures and syntax used in these two programming languages are used in others as well. The complexity of C and C++ is quite high as compared to other languages, therefore most of the functions and syntax of both are used in every existing programming language.

If you are willing to join C and C++ courses from expert trainers, then AICT COMPUTER INSTITUTE is the best C&C++ training institute in Ghaziabad.

AICT COMPUTER INSTITUTE is a C&C++ training centre in Ghaziabad. At AICT COMPUTER INSTITUTE, Trainers providing C and C++ training have already worked on these languages in the corporate. They have experience of real-time projects and the curriculum is designed accordingly

There are some differences between C and C++:

  • C is a procedural programming language while C++ is a combination of procedural and object-oriented programming language.
  • C is considered as the subset of C++.
  • C is function-driven language while C++ is object-driven language.
  • C does not support functions and reference variables, while C++ supports both of them.
  • C does not support polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation, while C++ supports all of them.
  • Due to the absence of encapsulation, C does not support information hiding while C++ supports the same.
  • C uses Scanf and Printf functions for Input/Output while C++ uses cin and cout for Input/Output.

Well, after going through the above-mentioned differences between C and C++, it can be clearly stated that C code can be run in C++ but vice-versa is not possible.

Learning C and C++ initially will make you understand the programming concepts more clearly. After that, learning Java, php, Android and other programming languages will be easy for the students so that join C&C++ training institute in Ghaziabad.

AICT COMPUTER INSTITUTE Info is C&C++ coaching in Ghaziabad. As mentioned above, C is a procedural language while C++ is a procedural as well as object-oriented language. The combination of procedural and object-oriented makes C++ more advantageous for programmers as compared to C.

Also, C does not support information hiding therefore, validation can easily be performed in C++. Securing passwords and other crucial information is more secure in C++ as compared to C.



C programming syllabus provides a structured roadmap for a Diploma-level C Language course, covering essential topics and concepts required to build a strong foundation in C programming.

1) Introduction to C Programming

  • History and Evolution of C
  • Characteristics and Features of C
  • Applications and Importance of C

2) Basic Structure of C Programs

  • Structure of a C Program
  • Header Files and Pre-processor Directives
  • Writing and Running First C Program

3) Data Types, Variables, and Constants

  • Primitive Data Types: int, float, char, double
  • Derived Data Types: arrays, structures, unions, pointers
  • Variable Declaration, Initialization, and Scope
  • Constants: Numeric, Character, String Constants
Computer Coaching in Vijay Nagar, crossing Republic Ghaziabad

4) Operators and Expressions

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational and Logical Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Increment and Decrement Operators
  • Bitwise Operators

5) Control Flow Statements

  • Conditional Statements: if, else-if, else
  • Switch Case Statements
  • Loops: for, while, do-while
  • Break and Continue Statements

6) Functions and Modular Programming

  • Function Definition and Declaration
  • Function Arguments and Return Values
  • Function Prototypes and Scope
  • Recursion and Recursive Functions
  • Standard Library Functions

7) Arrays and Strings

  • Array Declaration, Initialization, and Manipulation
  • Multi-dimensional Arrays
  • Character Arrays and String Operations
  • String Handling Functions

8) Pointers and Memory Management

  • Pointer Basics and Declaration
  • Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation: malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free()
  • Pointers and Functions
  • Pointers and Structures

9) Structures and Unions

  • Structure Definition and Declaration
  • Structure Members, Initialization, and Access
  • Nested Structures and Arrays of Structures
  • Unions: Definition, Declaration, and Use

10) File Handling and I/O Operations

  • File Operations: Opening, Reading, Writing, Closing Files
  • File Pointers and Operations
  • Sequential and Random Access Files
  • Standard I/O Functions: fscanf(), fprintf(), fgets(), fputs()

11) Advanced Topics (Optional)

  • Pre-processor Directives and Macros
  • Command Line Arguments
  • Error Handling and Debugging Techniques
  • Introduction to Data Structures: Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues

C++ Programming Language Syllabus for BCA, MCA B.Tech Computer Science and Diploma Courses

What is C++?
C++ is a most popular cross-platform programming language which is used to create high-performance applications and software like OS, Games, E-commerce software, etc. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, as an extension of C language. C++ give a high level of control over system resources and memory.

Why Learn C++?
C++ is one of the most used and popular programming languages.
C++ is used in making operating systems, embedded systems, and Graphical User Interfaces.
It is an object-oriented programming language that implements all the OOPs concepts such as Abstraction, Encapsulation, and Inheritance, which gives a clear structure to programs and allows code to be reused, lowering development costs and providing security.
It is portable and can be used to create applications that can be adapted to multiple platforms.
C++ is easy to learn so that you can choose it as your first programming language.
It makes programming easy for programmers to switch to C++ because its syntax is similar to C, Java, and C#.

C++ Overview

  • Introduction to C++
  • Features of C++
  • History of C++
  • Interesting Facts about C++
  • Setting up C++ Development Environment
  • Similarities and Differences between C++ and C

C++ Basics

  • First C++ Program
  • C++ Basic Syntax
  • C++ Comments
  • C++ Tokens
  • C++ Identifiers
  • C++ Keywords
  • Difference between Keyword and Identifier

C++ Variables and Constants

  • C++ Variables
  • C++ Constants
  • Scope of C++ Variables
  • C++ Storage Classes
  • C++ Static Variables

C++ Data Types and Literals

  • C++ Data Types
  • C++ Literals
  • C++ Derived Data Types
  • C++ User-Defined Data Types
  • C++ Data Type Ranges and Their Macros
  • C++ Type Modifiers
  • C++ Data Type Conversion
  • C++ Typecasting Operators

C++ Operators

  • C++ Operators
  • C++ Arithmetic Operators
  • C++ Unary Operators
  • C++ Bitwise Operators
  • C++ Relational Operators
  • C++ Logical Operators
  • C++ Assignment Operators
  • C++ Ternary/Conditional Operators
  • C++ Sizeof Operator
  • C++ Scope Resolution Operator

C++ Input/Output

  • C++ Basic Input / Output
  • C++ Standard Input Stream (cin)
  • C++ Standard Output Stream (cout)
  • C++ Standard Error Stream (cerr)
  • C++ Input / Output Manipulator

C++ Control Statements

  • C++ Decision Making
  • C++ if Statement
  • C++ if-else Statement
  • C++ if-else-if Ladder
  • C++ Nested if-else Statement
  • C++ Switch Statement
  • C++ Jump Statements
  • C++ Loops
  • C++ for Loop
  • C++ Range-Based for Loop
  • C++ while Loop
  • C++ do…while Loop

C++ Functions

  • C++ Functions
  • C++ return
  • C++ Parameter Passing Techniques
  • Difference between Call by Value and Call by Reference
  • C++ Default Arguments
  • C++ Recursion
  • C++ Inline Functions
  • C++ Lambda Expression

C++ Pointers and References

  • C++ Pointers and References
  • C++ Pointers
  • C++ Pointer Arithmetic
  • Dangling, Void, Null, and Wild Pointers
  • Applications of Pointers
  • C++ nullptr
  • C++ References
  • Can references refer to an invalid location in C++?
  • Difference Between Pointers and References in C++
  • Passing by pointer Vs Passing by Reference in C++
  • When do we pass arguments by reference or pointer?

C++ Arrays

  • C++ Arrays
  • C++ Multidimensional Arrays
  • C++ Pointer to an Array
  • Size of Array parameter
  • Passing Arrays to Functions in C++
  • What is Array Decay in C++? How can it be prevented?

C++ Strings

  • C++ Strings
  • C++ std::string Class
  • C++ Array of Strings
  • C++ String Functions
  • C++ String Concatenation
  • Tokenizing a String in C++
  • C++ Substring

C++ Structures and Unions

  • C++ Structures, Unions, and Enumerations
  • C++ Structures
  • C++ Pointer to Structure
  • C++ Self-Referential Structures
  • Difference Between C Structures and C++ Structures
  • C++ Unions
  • C++ Bit Fields
  • C++ Enumeration
  • C++ typedef
  • Array of Structures vs Array within a Structure in C/C++

C++ Dynamic Memory Management

  • C++ Dynamic Memory Management
  • C++ new and delete Operators
  • new vs malloc() and free() vs delete in C++
  • Memory leak in C++
  • Difference between Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation in C++

C++ Object-Oriented Programming

  • C++ Object Oriented Programming (OOPs)
  • C++ Classes and Objects
  • C++ Access Modifiers
  • C++ Friend Class and Function
  • C++ Constructors
  • C++ Default Constructors
  • C++ Copy Constructor
  • C++ Destructors
  • C++ Private Destructor
  • When is the Copy Constructor Called?
  • Shallow Copy and Deep Copy in C++
  • When Should We Write Our Own Copy Constructor?
  • Does the Compiler Create a Default Constructor When We Write Our Own?
  • C++ Static Data Members
  • C++ Static Member Functions
  • C++ this pointer
  • C++ Scope Resolution Operator vs this pointer
  • C++ Local Class
  • C++ Nested Classes
  • C++ enum Class
  • Difference between Structure and Class in C++
  • Why C++ is a partially Object Oriented Language?

C++ Encapsulation and Abstraction

  • C++ Encapsulation
  • C++ Abstraction
  • Difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation in C++

C++ Polymorphism

  • C++ Polymorphism
  • C++ Function Overriding
  • C++ Virtual Functions and Runtime Polymorphism
  • Difference between Compile-time and Run-time Polymorphism in C++
  • Difference between Inheritance and Polymorphism in C++

C++ Function Overloading

  • C++ Function Overloading
  • C++ Constructor Overloading
  • C++ Functions that Cannot be Overloaded
  • C++ Function Overloading and const Keyword
  • C++ Function Overloading and Return Type
  • C++ Function Overloading and float Data Type
  • C++ Function Overloading and Default Arguments
  • Can main() be overloaded?
  • C++ Function Overloading Vs Function Overriding
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of C++ Function Overloading

C++ Operator Overloading

  • C++ Operator Overloading
  • Types of C++ Operator Overloading
  • C++ Functors
  • C++ Operators that Cannot be Overloaded

C++ Inheritance

  • C++ Inheritance
  • C++ Inheritance Access
  • C++ Multiple Inheritance
  • C++ Hierarchical Inheritance
  • C++ Multilevel Inheritance
  • C++ Constructor in Multiple Inheritance
  • C++ Inheritance and Friendship
  • Does Function Overloading Work with Inheritance in C++?
  • Difference Between Inheritance and Polymorphism in C++

C++ Virtual Functions

  • C++ Virtual Functions
  • C++ Virtual Functions in Derived Classes
  • C++ Default Arguments and Virtual Function
  • C++ Inline Virtual Functions
  • C++ Virtual Destructor
  • C++ Virtual Constructor
  • C++ Virtual Copy Constructor
  • C++ Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Class
  • C++ Pure Virtual Destructor in C++
  • Can Static Functions be Virtual in C++?
  • C++ RTTI (Run-Time Type Information)
  • Can C++ Virtual Functions be Private?

C++ Exception Handling

  • C++ Exception Handling
  • C++ Exception Handling using Classes
  • C++ Stack Unwinding
  • C++ User-Defined Exceptions

C++ Files and Streams

  • C++ Files and Streams
  • C++ I/O Redirection

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Best Computer Coaching Institute near Vijay nagar, Crossing Republic and Gaur City Ghaziabad for C & C++ Programming, Java, PHP mySQL, Database, Python, Java, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Digital Marketing, Web Designing, Web Development, Blogging and Youtube Videos